Kamado accessories

To really get the most out of your kamado, you need good kamado accessories. Given the popularity of kamados in recent years, more and more accessories have also come on the market for all types and sizes of kamados. Kamado Essentials has a wide range of kamado accessories that fit almost all common sizes of kamados. To make choosing the right kamado accessories easier, we have also created a handy accessory selection tool where you only need to enter the size of your kamado and the type of accessory you are looking for. If you only enter the size of your kamado and leave the ‘type of accessory’ field blank then all available accessories for your size kamado will be shown. If you’re still unsure if the accessory will fit your type of kamado, don’t hesitate to send a message to info@kamado-essentials.com and we’ll be happy to help!

What kamado accessories do I need?

The type of kamado accessory you need depends on what you want to do with your kamado. If you want to do a low&slow preparation in which your dish needs to cook slowly then you will need a plate setter or heatdefelctor so that the high heat from your charcoal does not directly reach your food. The same can be done with a Divide & Conquer which also allows you to alternate between hot and cold zones (half/half). If you want to grill hot&fast and get nice grill stripes on your dish, use a cast iron grill for the best effect. A pizza stone can again be used to bake pizza or bread in your kamado. If you want to use your coals more efficiently and be able to control the temperature better than a coal basket is a good addition. For more information about the different accessories, please check the products or the category pages of the respective accessories, or of course you can ask us for advice via the email address mentioned earlier. Also for charcoal and smoking wood you have come to the right place at Kamado-Essentials.com!
