Kamado medium

A medium-sized kamado is perfect for groups of up to about 6 people. This type of kamado is quite a bit larger than a compact kamado but slightly less bulky than a large. The great advantage of a medium kamado, such as the Bastard Urban Medium, is that it comes standard with a stainless steel powder-coated base. With a compact variant, this is usually not the case. So you gain surface area and also grill directly at a perfect working height.

Bastard Urban Medium kamado

At Kamado-Essentials, we carry the Bastard Urban Medium kamado. Bastard is a Dutch brand with only top quality kamados. The Bastard Urban Medium kamado comes with quite a few accessories to get started right away. Consider:

  • Plate Setter
  • Ash-Tray Lifter
  • Fiberglass felt
  • Coal Basket

We also include a bag of charcoal, smoking wood, heat-resistant gloves and a Bastard Medium rain cover for free! That way you are ready to grill right away!

Kamado accessories and more !

To make your grilling experience even better, we offer many more kamado accessories for your medium kamado at Kamado-essentials.com. For example, add a pizza stone to bake the most delicious pizzas, place a rotisserie in your kamado to cook dishes on a spit, or give your dish an extra dimension by adding smoked wood or seasonings. If you would like advice on these products or on the kamado medium, please feel free to send us an email (info@kamado-essentials.com).
