Rock’N’Rubs – Smells Like Gin Spirit


With the lights out, it’s less dangerous! Here we are now, entertain us! Smells like Gin Spirit from Rock’N’Rubs! The absolute BBQ nirvana through a combination of juniper, lemon, herbs, pepper and gin! Delicious on pork, steak, poultry and vegetables!

Key points;

– Contents 130 grams
– Contains Gin
– Vegetarian and Vegan
– Without the addition of preservatives and flavour enhancers
– Ingredients: spices (juniper berries, lemon peel, black pepper, ginger, corainder, cardamon, chilli, cloves, chilli), sea salt, cane sugar, 7% gin, herbs (rosemary, bay leaf).
– Keep cool, dry, dark and sealed

Availability: Out of stock SKU: 882

Please email me when the product is back in stock

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Delicious with

Gevogelte, Groente, Steak, Varken


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